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Attendance Matters

New: GPS Attendance Workbook, coming soon!

School is better with you! In school, every day.

The Connecticut State Department of Education's (CSDE) School Is Better with You campaign website offers resources that promote the importance of attending school, every day, while raising awareness about chronic absenteeism (which is missing 10% or more of school, or 18+ days per year). If you're not sure when to keep your child home sick, your child is missing school due to anxiety, or you have other concerns about your child attending school, FAQs on the portal may help. Learn more here.

Chronic Absenteeism is missing 10% or more of the academic year for any reason, including excused and unexcused absences, out of school suspensions, mental health days, etc. Even absences excused by the school count towards the State's Chronic Absenteeism rate.
Please try to schedule family vacations during school breaks and over the summer months, to avoid unnecessary absences. School is extremely important for not only learning, but also for social-emotional development, forming a routine and learning responsibility, and more. 


Report an Absence

GES: Email or call the GES Main Office at (860) 376-7610.

GMS: Email or call the GMS Main Office at (860) 376-7630.

GHS: Email, or call the GHS Main Office at (860) 376-7640 and follow the prompts.


School Handbooks with Attendance Policies:

GHS & GSSA 2024-2025 Student/Family Handbook 

GMS 2024-2025 Student/Parent Handbook

GES 2024-2025 Student/Parent Handbook

Griswold Early Education Program 2024-2025 Family Handbook

School Attendance Committees:


  • Art Howe, Assistant Principal*
  • Elaine Taylor, School Counseling Director*
  • Kiley Flynn, School Counselor
  • Lorenzo Chavez, School Counselor
  • Stefanie Burelle, Social Worker
  • Stephanie Bibeau, School Nurse
  • Diane Fasula, Attendance Secretary
  • District DCF Representative


  • Steven Bourque, Assistant Principal*


  • Jackie Love, Assistant Principal*
  • Alyssa Hancock, Social Worker
  • Aimee Boyd-Hall, Social Emotional Interventionist

*serves on district-wide committee