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Griswold Public Schools Central Office located at:
211 Slater Avenue
Griswold, CT 06351
P: 860-376-7600 | F: 860-376-7607

About Griswold Public Schools

The Griswold Public Schools offer a comprehensive educational program to approximately 1,700 students in grades Pre-K through 12. This program includes core academics, fine and applied arts, health and fitness, advanced technology and career pathway offerings, as well as special education, remedial support, an alternative high school and an enrichment program.

A vigorous academic climate and high expectations for all students are at the core of our educational community. The town of Griswold is proud of both the current academic program and of the ongoing efforts to continually improve that program.

Our teachers and administrators continuously engage in professional development, and we have a vision of learning and success in our schools that will position our students well to enter institutions of higher education and to succeed in the professional and work world of the 21st century.

The school district is well recognized for programming and for student accomplishments in other areas as well. Our career pathway program—which includes opportunities in a certified nurse’s aide program, an esports and coding Nexus lab, a print shop, food and fashion technology, childhood education, and industrial technology—is recognized as one of the strongest in the State.

Griswold's outstanding athletic teams have achieved numerous conference and state championships over recent years with outstanding performances in cross country, track, soccer, softball, baseball, football, volleyball, wrestling, fencing, lacrosse, and basketball.

Performing arts have also brought much recognition to the district. Spring musical productions, as well as choral and band opportunities, involve high percentages of Griswold students. 

The physical campus of the Griswold Public schools is unique in the State, with Griswold Elementary, Middle, and High Schools on one central campus. All schools face a central quad; this close setting promotes cross-level programming, flexibility with facility usage, efficiencies with mechanical and maintenance costs, as well as supporting the sense of community that is integral to our mission as a school system.

With grounds on a riverside setting with nature trails, there are ample opportunities for athletics, recreation, and nature studies for students Pre-K through 12.

The campus is not only an outstanding educational setting, but it is also a valuable asset for community use.

Griswold Public Schools is conveniently located at the intersection of routes 164 and 138, less than a ¼ mile from Interstate 395.