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School Fundraising

Thanks for seeking information about how you can support Griswold Public Schools!

Various groups and individuals at GPS take initiative to fundraise for classrooms, student programs and extracurricular offerings that fall outside of our school budget.

Please consider helping our schools, teachers, and students via the following fundraising opportunities: 


Our Parent Teacher Organizations are always fundraising for specific school projects and events. They frequently host student and family-friendly events to raise funds, such as fun nights/dances, skate nights, bake sales, and more. You can also donate directly to the PTO to support school programs.

Follow our PTOs on Facebook for updates:



Griswold Public Schools is a district partner of DonorsChoose, a trusted crowdfunding site for schools. Teachers in our district can use DonorsChoose to fundraise for technology and materials for classroom projects that get shipped directly to the school. Search 'Griswold Public Schools' at to see if teachers are currently seeking project donations. We appreciate any amount you can contribute!


Current GPS-related Fundraisers:

(as of September 9, 2024)

  • GHS Fundraisers:
    • Ongoing: Griswold Booster Club Merch Sales (fill out the apparel request form here) and Concessions Stand
    • Ongoing: GHS PTO Merch sale ("Class Of," Homecoming, Alumni merch and more!)
    • Ongoing: Career Closet - the GHS Business department is always collecting business casual clothes for students to have access to for interviews. See Ms. Bromley in room 4213 to donate or access clothes from the closet.
    • Contact the GHS PTO for more ways to contribute!
  • GMS Fundraisers:
    • Ongoing: Student Council is always collecting canned goods and winter clothes for members of our community who are in need

    • Ongoing: GMS Student Services is always collecting personal care items (toiletries, snacks, etc.) for their Care Closet

    • Contact the GMS PTO for more ways to contribute!
  • GES Fundraisers:
  • District-wide Fundraisers:


If your GPS-affiliated fundraiser is not listed above, please contact us to add it to this webpage!